Dario Moratilla Empiezes

Dario Moratilla - Empiezes

Artist...............: Dario Moratilla
Album................: Empiezes
Genre................: phonography, dsp, ambient, real-time
Information..........: PROMO AudioWork For Labels
Write to djitter at gmail.com for listening


1. (00:10:04) - Memory Wharehouse
2. (00:10:11) - Ons Isle Can be wait
3. (00:01:58) - Empiezes
4. (00:18:00) - Larga
5. (00:06:42) - ¿¿Wooden Balls ?? Test

Playing Time.........: 00:46:55

4 lp of Dario Moratilla after "Out of Room" "Empiezes" is the first of audioworks with focus on phonography, improvisation, sound design and the art of listening and his context.Some sounds from Ons isle in spain. Created during january-feb 2009 at D. Gonzalo studio in Valencia. All my gratitude for Piki, Chapu, Colorin, Francisco Lopez. To be mastered
Presented at C.C. Matadero 2010 (Madrid) during the presentation of
Francisco Lopez´s Sonic immersion chamber

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 lp de Dario Moratilla despues de "Out Of Room" y de "Mirando a traves de la Ventana" Dario Moratilla nos presenta Empiezes un trabajo que inagura una serie de proyectos sonoros relacionados con la phonografia,la improvisación, diseño sonoro, la escucha y su contexto. Algunos sonidos proceden de grabaciones durante el verano de http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif2005 en la isla de Ons Galicia. Creado en el studio de D. Gonzalo en Valencia en enero/feberero de 2009.
.Presentado en C.c.Matadero Madrid abril 2009 con motivo de la inaguracion de la Camara de Inmersión sónica de Francisco Lopez
Toda mi gratitud a chapu,piki,colorin,Francisco Lopez.

Emited/posted on FrameworkRadio Podcast #274: 2010.03.07
"A rather dense regular edition this week with some great textures and contrasts, and several free-to-download mp3 releases. mysterybear‘s elementally-themed release (available free from stasisfield – see links below) contrasted nicely with daniel menche‘s reworked recordings of waterfalls, and richard garet‘s fine textures complimented dario moratilla‘s self-released percussive soundfields. we also heard sounds from irr. app. (ext.)‘s latest offering on the always intriguing helen scarsdale agancy, and a framework introduction recorded for us by diemo schwarz."

Puedes escuchar algunos temas en el podcast #274: 2010.03.07 de la radio Framework

Games Addiction Crisis Core

Games Addiction - Crisis Core

Artist...............: Games Addiction
Album................: Crisis Core
Genre................: Noise
Source...............: CD
Year.................: 2009
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps)
Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz
Information..........: Released on Brrr Label 002
Listen Download......: Here


1. (00:05:49) - Wall-e
2. (00:04:52) - Wall-e 2nd Gig
3. (00:04:43) - Left 4 Dead
4. (00:01:47) - MudBox
5. (00:05:06) - A Link to the Past
6. (00:01:49) - Old BorderLine Stalker
7. (00:04:41) - Shots
8. (00:08:02) - under race
9. (00:10:41) - Ciudad 17 Tower
10. (00:01:32) - cyclo GTA

Playing Time.........: 00:49:01
Total Size...........: 113,83 MB

+20db Harsh Noise tracks created on hard disk with sounds from Orange box games pack.
All the tracks are realtime recordings with no overdubs. To be played at high volume and it will be Better in big speakers...
Created for the mono wall Towers of sound in the rave parties.
track 8 was created in 2003. Under mac os 9.2. You can see some tracks in Itunes
for example Wall-e. Presented The Basement Series @ The Foundry, London in summer 2009